
Monday, February 23, 2015

February 23-27

Wow! Time is flying! We can't believe it's already the last week of February!

Happy Book Fair Week! We will ALL visit the Book Fair on Tuesday! Here are our times:

    Boyd: 11:00-11:15
    Howard: 11:15-11:30
    Blackstock and Rowan: 1:30-2:00
    Reese: 2:00-2:15

Earning our money for the Money Store has begun this week in our classrooms! As we learn about the value of money students will be able to earn coins in our classrooms. On  Friday, March 13th (the Friday before Spring Break) our students will be participating in a classroom money store! Each child should bring 21 items to sell in the store! Items should be the same and not expensive. They can be store bought or homemade! Examples from the past are: play dough, pencils, bookmarks, and glitter pens. Students will be able to buy items with the money they have earned and sell the items they brought. It is always SUCH a fun experience! Please let your child's teacher know if you have any questions! You should have a letter home in your child's green folder about the Money Store!

Here are some great ideas for practicing money at home:
  -Have your child use coins at home to build values that you call out to them
  -See how many different combinations your child can think of to build the same value
  -You build a value and then have your child build the value a different way

Also, check our this link for some great money games..

Take a look at what we are studying this week..

Writing - We will continue the Writer's Workshop process! Students are writing their own imaginative stories linking our writing to our reading or legends, folk tales and fairy tales!

Reading - We will continue to read and notice characteristics of legends, folk tales and fairytales. When we have finished we will delve into non-fiction texts!

Math - We will continue to learn the value of money! We will identify the values of coins as well as add coins and use different combinations to build the same amount!

Science - We will explore needs that must be met and the structures/processes that help plants and animals survive in various environments!

Social Studies - We will continue to identify contributions of historical figures and how they influenced our world!
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

February 17-20

February is flying by! We hope everyone enjoyed their Monday off for President's Day! Here's a quick update of our objectives for this week!

Remember - NO SPELLING this week due to our short week! :)

Writing - we will continue to use the Writer's Workshop model to create new pieces of writing!

Reading - we will read and notice characteristics of legends, tall tales and folk tales! The kids love this unit! We will even write our own creative stories!

Math - we will study money! We are learning about the value of coins and how to add them!

Science - we are learning more about animals and their needs as well as plants!

Social Studies - we will continue to learn about historical figures and their importance!

Monday, February 9, 2015

February 9 - 13

Happy Random Acts of Kindness Week 2015!

Kindness Week is a schoolwide challenge focusing on appreciating and encouraging others with kind words, hugs, sharing a smile and writing notes of appreciation and random acts of kindness! To find more information on Random Acts of Kindness, visit the website at

Also - feel free to check out a few of the videos we will be using in class that were shared with us by our wonderful counselor, Allyson Glass!

Have You Filled A Bucket Today? Read Aloud

Kind Kids Club

Bucket Filling Song

As we wrap up multiplication we would like to share a website with some games to help reinforce your child's multiplication skills! Check out - it has a lot of different fun games!

Reading-  We will read legends and notice their characteristics.

Writing- We will look at prepositions and continue to use the Writer's Workshop model to produce pieces of writing in various genres.

Math- This week we will begin to study money!

Social Studies- We will continue to study historical figures in biographies. We will finish writing our biography reports!

Science- We will continue to look at natural resources and begin to look at habitats .
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

February 2 - 6

This week we are continuing multiplication - here is a great resource for your student to practice multiplication at home! Check out "Fun 4 the Brain" where there are many math games - especially in multiplication and division!

Picture day is WEDNESDAY! :)

Reading- This week we will locate facts and details about stories and use evidence from text! Since Monday is Groundhog day we will read about Groundhog day! We will learn to ask relevant questions and seek clarification.

Writing- We will continue to create a piece of writing through Writer's Workshop model. We will continue to learn about homographs, homonyms and homophones!

Math- We will continue multiplication by learning to skip count, learning more about arrays and learning strategies to remember our multiplication math facts!

Social Studies- We will continue to study important people and their impact on our world today! We will learn how to use our biographies to locate facts and continue to research our person for our biography report!

Science- We will study natural resources of the earth through experiments, observations and fun activities!