
Monday, January 26, 2015

January 26 - 30

This week we will continue NRT testing! Please make sure your kiddos get a good nights rest and eat a healthy breakfast!

Reading- This week we will continue studying biographies! Your student has checked out in the library a biography of a person they find interesting to study. We will continue to look at the nonfiction text characteristics in our biographies as well as make a connection with timelines! Feel free to read more biographies with your student at home and talk with them about the important person they have chosen to read about and research!

Writing- We will continue to use our Writer's Workshop model to produce pieces of writing from various genres! We will review compound words, prefixes and suffixes and look at synonyms and antonyms as well as multisyllable words!

Math- We will continue to multiple and divide equal groups! Quick math is a fun app you can use on a smart phone, ipad or itouch at home to practice math facts and help your child out with math!

Social Studies- We will continue to study important people who impacted our community, state, nation and world!

Science- We will continue to study and classify rocks!


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