
Monday, October 26, 2015

October 26-30

It’s RED RIBBON WEEK! Red Ribbon Week is a nationally recognized week in which schools across the United States focus on turning young people away from drugs and alcohol. We are going to educate our students at HCE about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Please encourage your child to participate in the dress up themes throughout the week! Although national Red Ribbon Week is a complete focus on staying drug free, we are broadening the focus to include making healthy choices and staying positive. It is hard to explain to our younger Cougars when the focus is all about staying drug free. Check out our dress up themes:

MONDAY: “Red”y to lead a healthy lifestyle – wear read clothing and get a red ribbon to wear all week.
TUESDAY: “New friends are all around you” – wear something pink for Breast Cancer Awareness and let’s be kind and pass it on.
WEDNESDAY: “My future is bright” – wear a college t-shirt – use your brain, be smart and make healthy choices.
THURSDAY: “Wild about being healthy” – wear crazy hair day – You can still have fun and not make bad decisions.
FRIDAY: I “mustache” you not to bully or do drugs – wear HCE shirts or your spooktacular auction shirts to school and all kids will be getting a fake mustache to wear all day.

Now.. Here’s what we are learning this week in 2nd grade!

Reading – Readers describe characters using their traits and prove feelings with textual evidence. Readers use author’s clues to help predict what may happen next in the text and they can talk about it.

Writing – We will continue our Argumentative/Review unit!

Math – We will finish up our regrouping in tens and ones with additionJ Thursday we will begin our subtraction without regrouping!

Social Studies – We will continue to talk about our nation – government, laws, taxes, branches of government!

Science – We will learn about energy!
Sunday, October 18, 2015

October 19-23

Don't forget THURSDAY and FRIDAY we will dismiss at 12:00pm for Parent Teacher Conferences! Make sure you are signed up with your teacher to have a conference! We look forward to talking with you about your student!

Here's what we are learning this week...

Reading - Readers describe characters using their feelings and traits. Readers prove with textual evidence. Feelings are a character's emotional response to the actions around them. A feeling is a temporary emotion.

Writing - We will begin our argumentative/review unit!

Math - We will continue regrouping by learning regrouping in the tens place.

Social Studies - We will understand the purpose of government: both local, state and federal. We will identify the functions of governments such as establishing order, providing security and managing conflict.

Science - We will continue to discuss weather and continue using thermometers to measure air temperature!
Monday, October 12, 2015

October 12-16

We hope everyone had a great 3 day weekend!

Don't forget our FIELD TRIP is WEDNESDAY to the Altharetta Yeargin Art Museum! Please send your child in their HCE spirit shirt! Mrs. Boyd's class, Mrs. Scott's class and Miss Giese's class will go in the morning, Miss Howard and Miss Coan's class will go in the afternoon!

Here's what we are learning this week...

Reading - We will continue to use the terminology of narrative structure to map a familiar story on a story arc.

Writing - This is our last week in non-fiction! We will continue to talk about how writers write to teach and readers read to learn.

Math - We will continue regrouping in the ones and move to regrouping in the tens place.

Social Studies - We will understand the purpose of government: both local, state and federal. We will identify the functions of governments such as establishing order, providing security and managing conflict.

Science - We will create a class weather calendar to record daily weather observations, we will explore using thermometers to measure air temperature!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

October 5-9

Happy October everyone! We hope you’re enjoying this “Fall” weather we are finally seeing a little bit of! 
Here’s what we are learning this week in 2nd grade

Reading Readers create story arcs for familiar and unfamiliar texts. We will learn how to map our stories and the events in them!

Writing Writers write to teach and read to learn. We will continue to work on our nonfiction topic books. We will also talk about things good writers do such as: including a “who” and a “what” in complete sentences, using capital letters and ending punctuation in every sentence, using our writing folders to spell sight words correctly, and revising our pieces.

Math We will begin addition with regrouping this week! We will talk about magic number 9 and how we know when to regroup! We will use base ten blocks to model why we regroup.

Social Studies We will wrap up our study of symbols by finishing up U.S. Symbols! We will continue to look at what they stand for and what their significance is to our country.

Science We will wrap up our study of matter, what it is, and how it can change!