
Sunday, October 18, 2015

October 19-23

Don't forget THURSDAY and FRIDAY we will dismiss at 12:00pm for Parent Teacher Conferences! Make sure you are signed up with your teacher to have a conference! We look forward to talking with you about your student!

Here's what we are learning this week...

Reading - Readers describe characters using their feelings and traits. Readers prove with textual evidence. Feelings are a character's emotional response to the actions around them. A feeling is a temporary emotion.

Writing - We will begin our argumentative/review unit!

Math - We will continue regrouping by learning regrouping in the tens place.

Social Studies - We will understand the purpose of government: both local, state and federal. We will identify the functions of governments such as establishing order, providing security and managing conflict.

Science - We will continue to discuss weather and continue using thermometers to measure air temperature!


  1. how does it work on thursday and friday afternoon? Are the kids sent back at home for the teachers-parents conferences ? (how and at what time) thqnk you for your helpful explanations - anne-cecile Hardy, Cannelle's mum
