will be no written homework or spelling this week in 2nd Grade! Happy Holidays!
(12/17) is the annual 2nd Grade Polar Express Day. We will be reading and
completing activities from this book. Please send your child to school wearing his or her
pajamas on Thursday 12/17!
The winter party is this Friday (12/18) at 11:20 in your child’s
classroom. School will be dismissed at 12:00 on this day.
We are
looking forward to a fun week as we get ready for winter break!
Here's what we are learning this week:
Reading: Readers build a characteristic chart of our story arc - we will review how the story arc helps with purpose and structure!
Writing: Writers choose what they want to write about! We will review all of the types of writing and students will choose the work they want to produce!
Math: We will review bar models and take an assessment on Tuesday to show what we learned!
Social Studies: We will learn about holiday traditions and their significance!
Science: We will learn about magnets!