
Monday, January 11, 2016

January 11-15

Happy Monday everyone! 

Please remember that this week is our first week of Norm Referenced Testing! We start testing tomorrow, January 12th. Our testing dates for this week are: January 12, January 13 and January 15. Please make sure your student gets a good night's rest, eats a healthy breakfast, and comes fueled to give their best effort! Each test will be first thing in the morning so please make sure that your child is on time to school!

If you have any questions concerning testing please feel free to email your child's teacher and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have!

Here's what we are learning this week!

Reading: In reading we will be talking about inner thinking. Readers understand that inner thinking is when the author shows a conversation inside a character's head!

Writing: In writing we will continue to write stories from our lives. We will use our story arc to decide on a personal narrative that is a story worth telling!

Math: We will continue our study of multiplication by introducing arrays - another way to visualize a multiplication sentence.

Social Studies: We will continue our study of timelines and create our own timeline of our day!

Science: We will wrap up our study on magnets and start learning about animals and their different adaptations!



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