
Monday, March 7, 2016

March 7-11

Happy almost Spring Break! It's going to be a great week this week!

Don't forget that FRIDAY is our money store! Make sure you check your email from your teacher to see how many items to bring on Friday! We will do the money store during our math time from 12:00-1:10!

Here's what we are learning this week:

Reading: Readers will use context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words, they will also notice how you can look at pictures to understand meaning of the words.

Writing: Poets can use repetition of words or phrases in their poems. Poets also create poetic language when they compare an ordinary item to something unusual. Poets reread their poems to edit them carefully! We will celebrate our poetry writing on Friday.

Math: Real world money problems - we will look at making change, spending, comparing and counting! Our money test is THURSDAY!

Social Studies: We will learn about the economy! We will look at work, income, earning, jobs, spending, community, needs vs. wants and goods vs. services!

Science: We will learn about life cycles!

5 days until Spring Break! ... but who's counting anyways? :)


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