
Monday, April 11, 2016

April 11-15

We are almost half-way through April!

Here are some important announcements :)

1)    April 20th is our Zoo Field Trip! We need TWO parent volunteers to ride the bus with us these parents will have their zoo ticket paid for. Anyone else who would like to chaperone is more than welcome you will meet us at the zoo and you can either pay for your ticket or use your zoo membership if you have one! Please email me if you want to come so I know how many parents we will have joining us! The first 2 parents to email me will be the two who get their ticket paid for and ride the bus! We would love to have you! Permission slips will be coming home so please fill it out and return it ASAP J

2)   Please start sending your King Size white pillow case for our togas/tunics for Winds of Time! We need these by April 19th so you can begin sending them now! (Each student needs ONE.. please label in a ziplock bag OR on the packaging in permanent marker with their name. This is for our Winds of Time Parade costume! We will do all the work at school!) I know sometimes these come in sets of 2 so if you want to “partner up” with another parent that works as well!

3)   Also, if anyone has any extra paper towel rolls (empty) or toilet paper rolls (empty) that they would like to donate for part of our costume please send them with your student! We will use these for Winds of Time too!

4)   Our Customary Measurement Math Test will be Wednesday so please be looking for a completed review coming home on Tuesday!

Important Dates for April and May:
        4/12 PTA Budget Voting Meeting at 6:00 PM
        4/20 2nd grade Zoo Field Trip
        4/26 Progress Reports come home
        5/23 Publisher’s Picnic
        5/31 Winds of Time Parade

Here's what we are learning:

Reading: Plays - Readers use voice and volume, stage direction and expressions!

Writing: What makes a good story? We will make a criterion chart!

Math: Customary Measurement - we will test on WEDNESDAY!

Social Studies: Jobs, Income, Spending, Saving, Supply & Demand

Science: We will finish up plants!


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