
Monday, November 16, 2015

November 16-20

It’s our last full week of school for November! This semester sure is flying by!

THIS FRIDAY is our Friendship Sandwich lunch! Please refer to the yellow page sent home by your teacher to see what you are responsible for bringing J. Friendship Sandwich is a tradition that 2nd grade does every year. It’s a fun way for the students to celebrate Thanksgiving together and to see that working together and everyone doing their part is important!

Check out what we are learning this week..

Reading: Readers are able to reproduce the elements of familiar stories using a story arc.
Writing: We will continue our study of Reviews!
Math: We will begin our unit of bar models in Addition and Subtraction watch for the parent connection letter coming home!
Social Studies: We will study map elements.

Science: We will begin our unit on motion!


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